Nonprofit Website Design Features

Engage People Quickly

An engaging nonprofit website should answer the following questions on their homepage in 3-5 seconds above the fold.

Does your organization's website do that?

nonprofit website design

What problem
do you solve?

What is your solution
to the problem?

What does success look like after you help people?

Think of these as the 3 Nonprofit Keys’ that will engage your site visitors, because now they can decide whether to keep scrolling or reading other web pages. The ‘3 keys’ are much easier to understand than displaying your formal mission statement, which can often be too involved and jargony.

More engagement on your non profit website increases the likelihood of more donations and volunteers who can deliver your message to more people in need. The rest of the website should lead your site visitors along a clear path to action, whether making a donation, becoming sponsors, or signing up for more information..

Donation Machine

How is that plain old “Donate” button working for you? We implement a custom donation system on your website that are proven to be much more effective than the typical solitary “donate today” button that are all too common on nonprofit websites. Our system includes a WIIFM (What’s in it for me) tool that qualifies the donation request by giving people an engaging reason to donate. We also implement multiple donation campaigns that target your audience directly based on user demographics.

non profit website design

Lead Machine

Growing your audience is one of the most effective ways to expand your mission. Including our customized Lead Machine on your homepage allows you to quickly grow your newsletter email list with interested parties. We easily automate the process of collecting email addresses and getting them directly to your newsletter list.

best nonprofit website design

Showcase Your Events

Quickly showcase the main details of your upcoming events with our simple and attractive event tool. In addition to the Who, What, Where, and When, it includes a countdown timer to generate more interest for your event. A global content block will be displayed  on any or all of your website pages for greater visibility to visitors.

charity organization web design

Your Success Stories

Featuring the personal stories of those who have benefited from your services helps you gain credibility and greater audience engagement. Our Success Story Framework easily obtains engaging testimonials to display.

web design for nonprofits

Make It Easy To Get Help

Too many nonprofit websites don’t clearly explain how to make an online donation, sign up to volunteer, organize online fundraising or get help. At Dogpaw Studio, our Nonprofit Website Framework and web design will eliminate confusion and tell people exactly what they need to do. Ultimately, this clarity will allow your mission-driven organization to help more people.

web design for not for profits

We Ask That You...

Have Heart

Building, managing and marketing your website will be hard work. You must have heart and passion to make your project important.

Have Concrete Goals

Growing your organization or business' online presence will be an awesome journey and you’ll need clear goals to get you there.

Have A Solid Budget

We go all out to get you quality returns on your investment. You will need to prioritize your project and treat the budget as an investment in your growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Website Design Process

We work with socially-driven businesses that want to make an impact on their community.

If your nonprofit is purpose-driven, motivated, and ready to expand online, we’d love to hear from you.

Get more tips on nonprofit website design.